Ol’ Red
George JonesBuy This Song

Ol’ Redについて
「Ol’ Red」は、James “Bo” Bohonが作曲した曲です。 ドン・グッドマンとマーク・シェリルが書いた曲です。 ジョージ・ジョーンズが1990年に発表したアルバム「You Oughta Be Here with Me」に収録されたほか、ケニー・ロジャースが1993年に発表したアルバム「If Only My Heart Had a Voice」でカバーしています。 ロジャースのバージョンは1993年8月にシングルとしてリリースされた。 その後、ブレイク・シェルトンがこの曲を録音し、2002年3月に彼のセルフタイトルのデビューアルバムから3枚目のシングルとしてリリースされた。
Year: 2013 87 Views
Caught my wife with another manNow I'm doin' ninety-nineAt a prison down in GeorgiaClose to the Florida line.I've been here for twelve long yearsAnd I finally made the warder my friendSo he sentenced me to a life of easeTakin' care of ol' Red.Now ol' red he's a dangerous dogThis old boy has ever seenHe's got a nose that can smell a two day trailLord, he's a four legged tracking machine.Just consider yourself mighty luckyTo get past the gators and the quicksand bedsBut all these years that I've been hereAin't nobody got past Red.Hear the warder say,Come on somebody why don't you runOl' Red's a-itchin' to have a little funGet my latern, get my gunRed'll have 'em treed 'fore the mornin' sun.I payed off a guard and he slipped out a letterTo my cousin in TennesseeAnd he brought down me a blue tick houndLord, she was pretty as she could be.They penned her up in the swamplandAbout a mile just south of the gateAnd when I take ol' Red for his evening runAnd I'd just drop him off and wait.Hear the warder say,Come on somebody why don't you runOl' Red's a-itchin' to have a little funGet my latern, get my gunRed'll have 'em treed 'fore the mornin' sun.Now old red got use to seein'This little lady.there every nightSo I kept him away for three or fours daysAnd waited till the time got right.I made my run with the evening sunAnd I smiled when I heard 'em let him out'Cause I headed north to TennesseeAnd ol' Red was a-headed south.I hear the warder say,Come on somebody why don't you runOl' Red's a-itchin' to have a little funGet my latern, get my gunRed'll have 'em treed 'fore the mornin' sun.Now, there's red hair blue ticks dogs in the southLove got me in there and love got me out
ジョージ・グレン・ジョーンズ(1931年9月12日生まれ)は、数多くのヒット曲や独特の声質、タミー・ワイネットとの結婚などで知られるアメリカのカントリーミュージック歌手です。 more “
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